What Tools Does Comms Replace?

May 27, 2024

Common Workplace Platforms

How Comms Solves These Problems

Open and Discoverable Messages

  • All messages are easily searchable and default open to the organization, unless marked private

  • Advantages: Centralized communication, easy access to information, no information silos, full transparency, improved collaboration

Prioritized and Asynchronous Communication

  • Messages are organized by priority levels and designed for async communication so a “thank you” message doesn’t have the same priority level as “Oh no, the website is crashing”

  • Advantages: Clear priorities, reduced noise, increased focus, healthier work culture.

No Toxic Status Icons

  • Eliminates the need for online status icons.

  • No need for employees to purchase a mouse jiggler or seem “busy.”

  • Advantages: Reduced stress and asynchronous culture so you can focus on deep work and productivity.