What’s the Difference between Slack and Comms?

May 11, 2024

Slack has become the default for workplace communication, but its constant stream of messages and lack of prioritization create an addiction to communications while inhibiting actual work. Studies show the average worker checks communication tools every 6 minutes, fragmenting attention and hurting productivity. It's time to upgrade to a new solution purpose-built for effective async collaboration that respects your time and attention: Comms.

Slack is a slot machine for distraction, bombarding you with undifferentiated messages all day. Everything from critical requests to emojis competes for your attention with no sense of hierarchy. Finding important information in the overwhelming mess is nearly impossible. Slack's short-form design prevents substantive communication.   

In contrast, Comms is built to restore sanity to your inbox:

  • Message prioritization using @, @@, or @@@ tags to indicate urgency and prioritize you inbox so you know exactly what to deal with first.

  • Scheduled delivery to receive messages in batches, creating uninterrupted deep work blocks

  • Channels to keep messages organized and discoverable

  • Subscriptions to opt into updates on specific topics

  • Powerful search to instantly find what you need 

  • Keyboard shortcuts for rapid message processing

This empowers users to achieve Inbox Zero—completely processing messages daily instead of perpetually drowning in unread comms. By elevating important communication while minimizing interruptions, Comms creates space for deep work: focusing without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. Cal Newport emphasizes deep work is becoming increasingly rare yet increasingly valuable in our economy.

Make the switch from Slack to Comms to take back control of your workday. Protect your attention, communicate with intention, and skyrocket your productivity. Comms redefines work for the better.